On this page you’ll find clarification on any of the many terms of play found in Guild66.
This sections entries are listed alphabetically.
Terms of Play
Abilities - Unique traits that give hunters various skills, or new options during play.
Advantage - Roll the dice twice and choose the single highest number. The opposite is disadvantage (see separate entry).
Ailment - Ailments hamper a creature in some way. These are blind, deaf, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and drench.
Ambush round - This is the first round of combat where the hunters with an initiative higher than the monster play first. Ambush rounds can be automatic if the hunters manage to pull off an ambush, meaning they won't need to roll for initiative and they automatically go first.
AR - Armour Rating. Rolls to hit need to be either equal to or higher than this target to deal damage. If the roll to hit is not higher than this number, than the attack misses and no damage is applied.
Attack - One attack comprises of one roll to hit, and a series of damage dice (depending on a few different variables), who’s combined value is taken from a monster’s health. Attacks are rolled before signs and items.
Climbing - Creatures climb at half their walking speed unless they have an ability or effect that says otherwise.
Combat round - This refers to the rounds during combat. Each round is 6 in-game seconds long, contains 1 hunter turn, and 1 monster turn.
D6 - A cube-shaped, six-sided die, with the numbers 1-6 on each face. These are the dice everyone uses when playing Guild66. You might find you need one, or six, so bring plenty.
Damage dice - The dice you roll in order to deal damage to a monster after successfully rolling to hit.
Dash - Hunters have a movement speed (this value can be found on the hunters character sheet under ‘Speed’) By not using any attacks, signs or items on their turn, they can move a second time up to their maximum movement speed.
For example, by not using attacks, signs or items, a hunter who could normally only move 10 metres can move 20.
Death - A hunter who reaches 0 HP during combat only dies if they are not revived before the end of combat. If a hunter reaches 0 HP outside of combat, they need to be healed so that their HP is above 0 within 6 minutes, otherwise they die. A hunter who is revived during combat is not able to take any attack, sign or item use actions on the same, but they are still able to use their movement.
Difficult Terrain - Creatures moving through difficult terrain move at half speed unless they have an ability or effect that says otherwise. To calculate difficult terrain, consider each space (or every 2 metres) double its size. For example, a creature moving through 2 metres of difficult terrain would treat it as 4 metres instead.
Disadvantage - Roll two dice and choose the single lowest result. The opposite is Advantage (see separate entry).
Dodge - When a monster attacks a hunter, the monster rolls to hit. If they roll higher than the hunter’s AR, the hunter has a chance to dodge and needs to roll higher than the monster’s roll to hit. If they succeed, they take no damage. A hunter always has a chance to dodge unless an action says otherwise.
Downtime - An 8-hour period in which hunters can further their skills, learn a new ability, craft items or brew potions. This is a key period for hunters to level up and grow their characters in a unique way.
Element - There are six elements used in arcana and alchemy: acid, fire, frost, necro, thunder, and venom.
Elemental Damage - This is the bonus damage added after the damage dice are rolled as part of an attack. If a hunter rolls an Explosive Strike, they also double the elemental damage.
Expanded crit - Rolling a 6 on the dice gives the hunter +1d6, this is considered a Critical Strike. With Expanded crit, hunters benefit from a Critical Strike if they roll a 5 or a 6.
Explosive Strike - If a hunter rolls 6d6, they double all their damage. This is considered an Explosive Strike. A hunter can achieve 6d6 by making sure the monster is in a weakened state, rolling a 6 on the dice (called a Critical Strike), and performing a Heavy Hit when they attack.
Glancing Strike - If a hunter rolls to hit and the result matches the target’s AR, this is considered a Glancing Strike, and they lose 1d6 damage die.
Grapple - A hunter or a creature can make a Grapple check to hold onto and restrain a target. When this happens, both parties make opposing Grapple checks by rolling 1d6 and adding any bonuses they might have. A grappled creature has their movement speed reduced to 0 and they cannot dodge.
If the creature grappling is moved as the result of an attack, both parties make Grapple checks again. If the grappling creature wants to move the grappled creature, they must again make opposing grapple checks.
GM - This refers to the hunter running the game, and is short for Guild Master. The Guild Master tells the hunters what’s around, leaves clues about the monster’s identity, acts out the NPCs, and so much more.
Heavy Hit - A Heavy Hit is when a hunter brings their weapon down with full force. A hunter declares a Heavy Hit before they roll to hit. They gain 1d6 damage die, but if they miss their target, they lose their next turn and their dodge action.
HP - Health Points, this number indicates a hunter’s life. If this number goes below 0, they begin to bleed out and die. If the hunter is not brought above 0 HP before the end of battle, they die. If the hunters aren’t in battle, this number needs to be brought above 0 within 6 minutes.
Immune - A creature takes zero damage from a specific element or ailment listed under their immunities.
Initiative - Roll this (1d6 plus INS (Insight) modifier) at the start of combat to see which hunters get to attack before a monster. If the monster rolls higher than all the hunters, no hunter benefits from an Ambush round. Initiative can be avoided through roleplay. If the hunters set up a decent Ambush (see separate entry) and succeed, they won’t need to roll the die.
Modifier - A modifier, such as a Stat modifier, is the number hunters add to their various dice rolls. To find this modifier, take the original number and halve it. If the halved number has a decimal place, always round it down. For example, a STR modifier where STR is 5, is 2. An AGI modifier where AGI is 6, is 3. An INS modifier where INS is 1, is 0.
Night Vision - Your hunter has improved vision in dark environments. They can’t see fine detail unless it's very close to their face. They cannot perceive colour and can only see in black and white.
Noise - Noise is generated by casting signs, through the effects of a creature, or the environment. Each hunter has a maximum amount of Noise they can tolerate. If this number is exceeded, the hunter faints and is unconscious. They remain unconscious until their Noise level goes below their maximum Noise tolerance.
Sleeping 4 hours halves the Noise a hunter has, and sleeping 8 hours sets it back to 0.
If a hunter wants to cast a sign that would take them above their maximum Noise, they are able to cast the sign, but they fall unconscious immediately after the effects are applied.
NPC - Also known as a Non-Player-Characters, NPCs are acted out by the GM and can take the form of villagers, farmers, nobles, animals, monsters, etc.
Random Encounter - These are events that have been randomly generated, such as being selected from a list after a die has been rolled. These encounters tend to happen when a hunting party is travelling, but can happen at any time.
Resistance - The creature takes half damage from specific resistances.
Roll to hit - This is the die (1d6) that hunters roll to beat a target’s AR. If the result is greater than the AR (either before or after relevant bonuses have been added), they have hit successfully and can roll damage. If the roll is equal to the AR, the hunter has rolled a Glancing Strike. If the result is lower, the attack misses and the hunter’s attack applies 0 damage.
Signs - These are very quick spells that hunters can throw out one-handed during battle. Signs are performed after attacks, but before items, unless the sign describes otherwise. Casting signs generates Noise.
Skill Check - When a skill check is required, a hunter first looks to see if they can add their Stat modifier to the check. If a hunter has acquired the skill at the character creation phase or during game play, they can add their Stat modifier. The hunter then rolls the die (1d6) and adds any other bonuses they might have gained through potions, signs, etc. This result is then compared to the target the GM has. If they number is the same or greater, the hunter succeeds.
Skills - There are seventeen skills: Athletics, Grapple, Intimidation, Acrobatics, Manual Dexterity, Stealth, Arcane, Craft, History, Investigation, Medicine, Trapping, Animal Insight, Persuasion, Foraging, Perception, Tracking. Each hunter can use all these skills, but can only add their Stat modifiers to some.
Stat Modifiers - These are the numbers that come from a Stat’s value. You can find these numbers by taking the value of the Stat, halving it and rounding down. These modifiers are added to the skills a hunter has taken.
Sleep - Sleeping 8 hours resets a hunter’s Noise back to 0. Sleeping 4 hours halves the Current Noise level (rounded down). If the hunter has the Deep Sleeper ability, sleeping 4 hours resets their Noise back to 0.
Stats - There are four Stats in Guild66: STR (Strength), AGI (Agility), INT (Intelligence), and INS (Insight). They are a measure of your hunter’s basic abilities and work as a foundation for their skills.
Throwing - A hunter can throw a hand-sized object as far as their STR (Strength) Stat in metres.
Unarmed Attack - An attack without a weapon, such as a kick or a punch, deals damage equal to the hunter’s Strength (STR) after the roll to hit.
Weakness - This is a small description of how to put a monster into a weakened state, found in each monster’s description in the Monster Guide (page 62-74)
Weakened State - Hunters can add +1d6 to their attacks by taking advantage of a monster's weakness and putting them into a weakened state.